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CBSE Board | Affilliation No. 1030708

Rules and Guidelines

  1. Students are expected to arrive at the School before the assembly bell. Habitual late-comers will be sent back home.
  2. A students who is not habitually clean or properly dressed in the School uniform, will be sent back home.
  3. No GVP student is permitted to drive a motorized vehicle.
  4. Students should not ride their cycle in the School campus. Cycles must he kept locked in the Cycle shed.
  5. Students must not scratch or spoil the desk, write in chalk or pencil on the wall or in any way damage School property. Damage done should be reported at once. Even if is caused by accident, the damage has to be made good.
  6. No “unauthorized” books, magazines, comics or papers may be brought to School without the permission of the Principal.
  7. The School is not responsible for loss of any goods belonging to the students. They are, therefore, advised not to bring large sums of money or expensive articles to School.
  8. Students are not permitted to bring any dangerous articles such as knives, razor-blades, gun, daggers, fire crackers, etc. Nor are they allowed to bring Mobile-phones or other electronic articles to School.
  9. Going out of the class at any time during class- hours, using abusive language and fighting with each other are strictly forbidden.
  10. All GVP students are expected to:
    • Show respect to all the teachers.
    • Avoid shouting, whistling or running about in the School building.
    • Avoid using indecent language.
    • Avoid throwing paper, stone etc. anywhere in or around the School premises, except in the bins provided for the purpose.
    • Observe all the rules of good conduct on the various buses and on the streets while coming to or returning from school.
  11. The following are not allowed:
    • Ornaments
    • Eye make-up
    • Henna
    • Nail polish
    • Tattoo
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